It's Not Clean - Until It's SwedeClean!


It's all about cleaning smart since 1990!
THE STARFIBER MICROFIBER CLEANING EXPERT - plus many other smart cleaning supplies and services. We try hard to make cleaning more environmental friendly, a little easier and less boring! Need exercise? Clean more! Or simply call 480-759-5120 for help!

The Clever Fiber - StarFiber MicroFiber - The Clever Fiber - StarFiber MicroFiber


SIZE: 3.75" x 18"
MATERIAL: Aluminum
QUANTITY: Individual

fits any size and style of handle, non-replaceable velcro 

18 x 5 Alum fits any size handlenon lock-able, non-replaceable velcro

Click on pic to buy 

Handle X-tra Long alum


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SIZE: 3.75" x 24"
MATERIAL: Aluminum
QUANTITY: Individual

fits any size and style of handle, non-replaceable velcro 

24" Aluminum Microfiber Velcro FLAT Frame  

to buy - use add to cart button below!

Before you order read Sales and Shipping Conditions  NEED PADS? CLICK HERE

Handle X-tra Long alum


Click on pic to buy

It's Not Clean - Until It's SwedeClean!

SIZE: 3.75" x 36"
MATERIAL: Aluminum
QUANTITY: Individual

fits any size and style of handle, non-replaceable velcro 

36" Aluminum Microfiber Velcro FLAT Frame  

to buy - use add to cart button below!

Before you order read Sales and Shipping Conditions  NEED PADS? CLICK HERE

Handle X-tra Long alum


Click on pic to buy

SIZE: 3.75" x 48"
MATERIAL: Aluminum
QUANTITY: Individual

fits any size and style of handle, non-replaceable velcro 

48" Aluminum Microfiber Velcro FLAT Frame 

to buy - use add to cart button below!

Before you order read Sales and Shipping Conditions   NEED PADS? CLICK HERE

Handle X-tra Long alum


Click on pic to buy